Thursday, January 12, 2012

What is a bonsai? - information from Zawiercie

Bonsai is an art. It’s the art of shaping trees by their proper care. Bonsai comes from China, where it’s called Pensai. The Japanese borrowed the methods of breeding  from the Chinese and improved it. Chinese trees are different from Japanese ones. The Japanese trees are carefully shaped in contrast to Chinese plants, which look old-fashioned.

There are many species of bonsai. Cultivating a perfect bonsai tree requires many years of dedication and work. It is quite common that the tree is handed down from one generation to another. The tree is never finished. It is a living plant, which requires constant care.

The most important requirement when shaping bonsai is patience. The Creator (or the artist) of bonsai must remember about regular care (watering, fertilizing, cutting, wiring). A suitable pot is also important. It must be properly selected flat vessel.

My brother used to have a bonsai tree. I also wanted to have a tree of my own, but I was too young then. After a few years I found some old pots and I started shaping my own bonsai. It is not easy, but I do not give up. This is how my tree looks now:

wrote by Emil

Emil's drawing

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